
Vi samarbeider med de største og dyktigste.


Colliers is thrilled to announce its partnership with the real estate student group at the Norwegian School of Economics NHHS Eiendomsgruppen. Members of this prominent student organization are focused on building relationships between real estate companies and students. As the main partner for NHHS Eiendomsgruppen, Colliers is excited to collaborate with the organization, inspire and get inspired by sharing industry knowledge and best practices.
“We are proud to partner with NHHS Eiendomsgruppen and engage with students who are passionate about the real estate industry. This Partnership aligns with Colliers vision to promote industry education and support the next generation of real estate professionals” says Håvard A. Nustad, CEO Norway at Colliers. 

Colliers is thrilled to announce its partnership with the real estate student group at the Norwegian School of Economics NHHS Eiendomsgruppen. Members of this prominent student organization are focused on building relationships between real estate companies and students. As the main partner for NHHS Eiendomsgruppen, Colliers is excited to collaborate with the organization, inspire and get inspired by sharing industry knowledge and best practices. “We are proud to partner with NHHS Eiendomsgruppen and engage with students who are passionate about the real estate industry. This Partnership aligns with Colliers vision to promote industry education and support the next generation of real estate professionals” says Håvard A. Nustad, CEO Norway at Colliers. ‍
Tjuvholmen - Aspelin Ramm sitt prosjekt

Aspelin Ramm er en solid og ansvarlig eiendomsutvikler med 48 ansatte i Norge. Selskapet har blant annet deltatt i utformingen av Vulkan, Tjuvholmen og Union Brygge i Drammen, alle komplekse prosjekter som har vært viktige for bymiljøet.

Med respekt for omgivelsene ønsker Aspelin Ramm å skape attraktive byrom. Arbeidet deres skal kjennetegnes av god, gjennomtenkt arkitektur og en materialbruk som fremtidige generasjoner kan være stolte av. Selskapet ønsker å være i tet på utviklingen av miljøvennlige bygg, og gripe tak i muligheter hvor andre ikke har anledning, ser eller våger.

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Colliers is thrilled to announce its partnership with the real estate student group at the Norwegian School of Economics NHHS Eiendomsgruppen. Members of this prominent student organization are focused on building relationships between real estate companies and students. As the main partner for NHHS Eiendomsgruppen, Colliers is excited to collaborate with the organization, inspire and get inspired by sharing industry knowledge and best practices.
“We are proud to partner with NHHS Eiendomsgruppen and engage with students who are passionate about the real estate industry. This Partnership aligns with Colliers vision to promote industry education and support the next generation of real estate professionals” says Håvard A. Nustad, CEO Norway at Colliers. 

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Oversiktsbilde av Oslo
Tjuvholmen - Aspelin Ramm sitt prosjekt

Bo Coliving er en ledende aktør innen utleieboliger for studenter og unge voksne i Norge. Selskapet ble etablert i 2020 og har opplevd en bemerkelsesverdig vekst de siste årene. I dag har de sentrale eiendommer i byer som Bergen, Trondheim, Ålesund og Molde, og har over 1500 studenter og unge voksne som leietakere. For mer informasjon om Bo Coliving og deres leiligheter, besøk deres nettside her.

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This is a beautiful Template! The custom page builder is definitely most intuitive
John Miller
CEO Opera House
This is a beautiful Template! The custom page builder is definitely most intuitive
John Miller
CEO Opera House


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